Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit 2. Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit features characters and movement reminiscent of the animation, and high-intensity battles. The game was developed by Dimps and published in North America and Australia by Atari, and in Japan and Europe by Namco Bandai under the Bandai label.
I love and I play with it everyday. Jam-packed with graphically enhanced playable characters, realistic battle stages and environments, players can take hold and experience Dragon Ball Z as never before. Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit Kamehameha's onto next-gen consoles with Goku and the crew.
Like majority of dbz games before Burst Limit it focuses on the DBZ sagas.
Drama pieces are short cutscenes that play out during a battle once certain conditions are met.
I love and I play with it everyday. The game was developed by Dimps and published in North America and Australia by Atari, and in Japan and Europe by Namco Bandai under the Bandai label. I only really got into Dragon Ball ~ half a year ago when I finally decided to go through Dragon Ball Z.
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